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A New Path Forward


The widespread corruption that infests our political parties, the media and our government at all levels motivated me to join the millions of Americans who are in the fight to take our country back. Our freedom is on the line. I have primarily focused on shining a light on corruption from the outside through my weekly publication, The Beglinger Blast. This year, I decided to push on the need for change from the inside as well. I joined the Republican Party of Waukesha County.


Through the investigative reporting of On Wisconsin Outdoors (OWO) over the past 18 months, many Wisconsin voters have become aware of the serious flaws in our election systems and have been demanding their legislators correct them. The people have been ignored. I have personally confronted state legislators at every opportunity and asked them why they are not pursuing the legislation necessary to make Wisconsin’s elections verifiable. They are full of excuses. The governor will veto it. Speaker Vos isn’t interested. They are so busy working on other things they have no “bandwidth” to take this on. Dodge and deflect.


On February 22, two resolutions I submitted to the Party came before the members’ caucus for a vote. They are intended to use the leverage of the Party to pressure the legislators to do their jobs. They passed unanimously.


The Resolutions are included below. Do not be distracted by the format. This resolution language is required by the Party.


Require the Registered Voter List to be Restricted to Currently Eligible Voters


WHEREAS the Republican Party of Wisconsin is focused on ensuring that all Wisconsinites can have confidence in the results of our elections; and


WHEREAS the Wisconsin Registered Voter List currently includes more than 4 million names of individuals who are ineligible to vote, creating a large reservoir for sophisticated hackers to manufacture fraudulent ballots and making elections unverifiable; and


WHEREAS cybercrime has become a routine occurrence throughout the world, including Wisconsin, as evidenced by Wisconsin’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection posting of the 2024 and 2025 data breaches of 10 corporations operating in Wisconsin, including the Green Bay Packers, Inc. and affecting millions of people; and


WHEREAS the FBI, has repeatedly warned the American people that foreign and domestic bad actors are expected to continue their efforts to influence the outcomes of  elections in the United States through cybercrime; and


WHEREAS Wisconsin voters have a right to expect the state’s election systems are as impenetrable to cheating as humanly possible; and


WHEREAS it is not the responsibility of the voters to prove voter fraud after an election. It is the responsibility of the Wisconsin Legislature to guarantee an election system design that enables verification that every vote cast has been cast by an eligible voter; and


WHEREAS the Wisconsin Registered Voter List should be considered public information available to every citizen but is inaccessible to many due to the $12,500 charged by the Wisconsin Elections Commission for a copy of the List;


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the Wisconsin Legislature to require that the Registered Voter List of the State of Wisconsin be restricted to only the names of currently eligible voters and that the Registered Voter List be made available to any citizen of Wisconsin upon request at no charge to the citizen.



Require Non-citizen Driver’s Licenses to be Clearly Designated “Not for Voting”


WHEREAS the Republican Party of Wisconsin is focused on ensuring that all Wisconsinites can have confidence in the results of our elections; and


WHEREAS Wisconsin voters have a right to expect the state’s election systems are as impenetrable to cheating as humanly possible; and


WHEREAS it is not the responsibility of the voters to prove voter fraud after an election. It is the responsibility of the Wisconsin Legislature to guarantee an election system design that enables verification that every vote cast has been cast by an eligible voter; and


WHEREAS a valid Wisconsin Driver’s License is sufficient identification to both register to vote and to cast a vote in Wisconsin; and


WHEREAS Wisconsin has lawfully issued more than 250,000 driver’s licenses to non-citizens who reside in Wisconsin legally that are identical to a citizen driver’s license;


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the Wisconsin Legislature to require that any driver’s license lawfully issued to a non-citizen be clearly designated as “not for voting.”


Both resolutions will now proceed to the next level for a vote, which is the Republican Party Congressional District 5 caucus on April 4. If the resolutions pass the district level hurdle they will be voted on at the Republican statewide convention in May. Once adopted, the Party that claims to represent the conservative voters of the state of Wisconsin will publicly join this fight for verifiable elections. The triumphant return of Donald Trump to the Presidency sent a clear message. American voters expect a government that works for the people. We will soon learn a lot about the Wisconsin Republican Party’s commitment to election integrity as we pursue this new path forward.

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